Monday, November 14, 2016

Start your week with a clear head - Headspace App

Sunday night and Monday mornings always seem so "heavy" to me.  I love my job, but I hate the heaviness that comes along with the rushed week in front of me.

I recently read an article in Outside magazine by Tim Ferriss (4 hour workweek).  He does a podcast of "successful" folks and the most common theme among his guests is that they meditate religiously.

So I'm trying out a few guided meditation apps.  I'm on day 3 of Headspace and I love it.  It's free (for now) and the soothing, hunky accent puts me into a different world for 10 minutes.  It's quick to learn, simple to navigate, and gets to the point.  It's guided, but not forcefully guided.  If that makes sense.

If you feel the same heaviness this Monday morning, give it a shot.  You deserve a little alone time.  Even if it is only for 10 minutes!

Have a great week and I would love to hear if you have had success with other tools.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Halloween Hangover (Candy that is)

OK.  This is so awful, but pretty funny.

I Told My Kids I Ate All Their Halloween Candy 2016 ...

I'm pretty sure my husband and I are dipping into the Halloween candy more than the kids are.  And yes, selfishly, I want to get it out of the house.

This is our plan.  Let the kids hand select 7 pieces of candy.  1 for each day for the next week.  The rest is going to one of the convenient drop off locations for Operation Gratitude (see link below).  I know, I'm the worst mom ever.

The second plan for the weekend is have a "scavenger hunt" for the kids.  Collecting the few Halloween decorations we have displayed.  The child who collects the most decorations the fastest "wins".  Tricky I know....